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Thursday, July 12, 2007

How to help your Dog to adjust being Alone

If your dog has trouble dealing with your absence, by his chewing and other destructive behaviors, a program of desensitization will help him to learn how to be alone.

Be patient and apply the techniques below slowly. It may take days or weeks until your dog stops being anxious when you leave him alone. Practise the session daily.

  1. Teach your dog how to sit and stay. Practise these commands as you move farther away from him, increasing the distance from a few steps to another room of the house. Praise your dog for obeying the command.
  2. After you have determined that your dog will stay when you go into another room, go to and from the front door using the sit and stay command. If your dog obeys, praise him and offer him a treat.
  3. Choose a phrase to use when exiting your home, such as "I'll be right back." Use that phrase every time you go out the door.
  4. Gradually accustom your dog to being left alone for seconds, then increase the time you are gone to several minutes. If your dog seems relaxed, lengthen the time you are outside during your training sessions. If your dog appears anxious, keep the sessions to one or two minutes until he calms down.
  5. As a last resort for the dog that cannot cope with being alone, discuss anti-anxiety medication with your veterinarian.

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